the unbalanced libran

The Tongue may be currently leaderless, Our great dictator away expanding the empire – looting and pillaging the Sak’i & ramie halls of far flung eastern lands, (how they must rue the day)
It can not be forgotten! This too is the Overlords month of birth.
In his honor a likeness of his supreme‘ness (as shown here) will be accompanying the Friday the 13th night outing.

in honor of thy gravyness all riders have been asked to abstain from shaving, hair brushing and showering. this indeed will make the overlord happy. and each rider will be helping in his quest of total world domination.....
today adelaide....
tomorrow the world.......
High rolling hoes, bousious bitches, and the buxom booty are welcome to achieve all their loving needs with the flickering, heat of the tongue of fire, busting it out raw like sashimi.
Come and join the world renound lovers to the stars, and treat a bike like your sweaty lover and ride.
yes yes it must be said likeness is uncanny and more than skin deep!!
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